Tuesday, January 27, 2009

These Boots are Made for Walking...

Kennedy has recently become obsessed with Mommy's boots. What can I say, my girl has good taste! She loves to wear them around the house. She is such a cutie! We also recently bought her rain boots and a pink and green umbrella! She thinks she needs to take them everywhere.
Last night Brad ran outside to get something and she told him, "Daddy it's raining, you need an umbrella, pink and a green one!" She is so thoughtful!Kennedy looks so much like Brad in this picture!

I was finally able to get a genuine smile of Kylie (because her sister was in the other room!)

Monday, January 26, 2009

Our House Guest

We had a pretty low key weekend which was very nice. My parents came into town on Saturday morning so we could take them to airport on Sunday. I'm glad they came a little early because we love seeing them!
They brought their little Yorkie-Poo, Chloe, to stay with us while they went to Playa del Carmen. Chloe is so much more a "kid" friendly dog than our Bailey, so Kennedy is having a blast playing with her.
Kylie has found a new love. Just like her sister, she really enjoys bath time. It is almost impossible to get her to look at the camera, because she loves watching Kennedy.
I love this picture because it looks like Kylie is thinking, "you are so cool, Kennedy!"

Here is me torturing Kylie with big bows! Ah, the beauty of having little girls!

Monday, January 19, 2009

We have a Squealer

So Kylie has found her voice. It is hilarious! She will just sit there and squeal for hours. I guess she realized that she can make noise. She gets so excited. She will start kicking her little legs and then begins the squealing.
The other day we were in Target and she was just making so much noise. It is so cute to watch her face because she looks so proud of herself!

Here she is with her first cereal. She actually seems to like it. She makes quiet a mess but is back to sleeping through the night with a full tummy!

Here are the girls in their matching PJs from the Meierhofers. They are so cute! I have to admit I really enjoy dressing them the same. I think it is so cute when they match and Kennedy likes it when Kylie wears the same shirt as her.

When did it happen?

So I have recently had the realization that Kennedy is no longer a baby anymore. She has grown so much in such a short time. She talks so well! You can actually have conversations with her. Last night we were driving in the car and Brad and I were asking her animal sounds. She used to say them in such a cute, "creative" way and we used to smile, but correct her. Now she says them all correctly and I find myself wishing I hadn't corrected her and that she still said a duck says "Ca Ca!"

As parents we all encourage our children to grow so fast. We want them to smile quickly and roll over, then we are pushing them to crawl, walk, and talk. Now I just want her to slow down. She is growing too fast.

Don't get me wrong I'm so proud of how amazing she is. She is so smart! And she cracks me up. I remember so well when she was just 6lbs 4 oz and dependent on me for everything. Now I long for those moments when she wants me to hold her.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Thank you!

Dear Bradley,
I just wanted to take a moment and say thank you. Thank you so much for all you do for our family.
I am so grateful to you that I get to spend so much time with the girls, because you work so hard. I am so thankful that you are so handy around the house. You fix almost anything!
You are an amazing father. Each time I watch you with the girls I fall more in love with you. Hearing you read the "juggler" to Kennedy, makes me smile (even when you skip pages :)). You are such a silly daddy. You are so loving to the girls. I feel sorry for their future husbands because I know you will be so protective of them and no one will love them like you do!
You are a great husband. You make me smile. Whether you are adding to my grocery list with random items or sending me text messages, you always make me laugh. You are my best friend. You keep me grounded and remind me to look for the positive things.
The last eight years haven been amazing and I can't wait for the future!

Kylie's Four Month Update

Well, I thought Kylie was getting bigger and she is, but she is still so small. Here are her new stats.

weight 11 lbs 13 oz
10th percentile
length 23 1/4 inches
10 percentile
and she still has a tiny noggin at 15 inches
less than 5th percentile

Oddly enough Kennedy was this exact size when she was 2 months old.

Dr. Berry said Kylie looks great and is such a happy baby. She even said our little munchkin can start cereal. So tonight Kylie will have her first taste of rice cereal!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Funny Things Kennedy says volume 1

As you know being with a two year old is quite entertaining. Here are some recent Kennedy-isms.

"Look Mom! It's raining water!"

"Frosty the Snowmam. Was a jolly jolly .....!"

"Jingle Bells! Jingle Bells! I like a movie, movie!" (combination of a Christmas Classic and I like to move it, move it!)