Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Listen to Kennedy

So the other day I was out shopping with my two favorite girls. I had Kennedy it the front of the stroller and Kylie in the back. Kennedy started whining and said that Kylie pulled her hair. I told Kennedy it was an accident and to stop whining. I then look at Kylie, who is smiling so big with a huge handful of Kennedy's hair in her hands. I guess I should listen to Kennedy and not just assume Kylie is innocent!

Catch up Time...

It has been quite some time since my last post so I will try to briefly catch everyone up on our lives!

Shortyly after Kennedy's Birthday we took both girls in for check ups. Kennedy's check was a three-year old check up and she passed with flying colors. Dr. Berry has been a little concerned about Kylie's size so we have had to take her in for numerous weight checks. The last time we went she weighed 15lbs 2oz. Dr. Berry was completely satisfied with that and thankfully we do not have to start giving Kylie formula! Praise God!

On July 16th, I completed my first 5k race. I am very proud of myself and cannot wait for the next one. On that same day my little princess decided to really start walking. She took about six steps. She looks a little bit like Bambi trying to walk, but it is precious. She still crawls quiet a bit, but I am sure that with more practice and confidence she will be off and running too soon!

This week I took Kennedy to her first gymnastics class. We were both so excited. I started taking Gymnastics when I was about Kennedy's age and I loved it. I knew that Kennedy would enjoy ever aspect of it. I took her to the gym that Nastia Liukin and Carly Patterson both trained at. It was so great! Kennedy had some issues listening, but her coach said she definitely had the skill set!

Now that Kylie is almost a year old, I will be returning to work full time as a Store Manager. My store is less than ten minutes away! I am so excited. Through out the whole process I was at complete peace. I can honestly say that this one of the first times I have let go completely and trusted God. I was not nervous one bit going into the interview. I knew that if it was supposed to be that there was nothing that I could do to stop it! And everything has just fallen into place. The girls are going to attend Mother's Day Out across the street from my store and we are so blessed to have the most AMAZING friend, Shanda, nanny for us. Shanda and I became friends at work at my current location and I cannot tell you enough how much she has blessed our lives. She is such a jewel. She has the best laugh, sweetest spirit, amazing faith in God, and I could go on and on. I cannot think of a better person for us to trust with watching our girls! I know this blog is supposed to be about my girls, but I need to put this in writing as a reminder to TRUST GOD!

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