Friday, November 14, 2008

Our Week

Monday we took Kylie to Dr. Berry's office. Kennedy affectionately calls her Dr. B. She is finally past the stage of screaming at the doctor's office. A few months ago when the nurse would call Kennedy's name she would throw herself down on the floor and scream! I felt so sorry for the nurse. However, now Kennedy is realizing that not all visits are bad and some are even for her sister. She gives Jennifer (the nurse) hugs and is a little ham for everyone there.

Tuesday we had our friends the Meierhofers over for our annual pre-holiday dinner. It was so yummy! Angela made the ham and yummy sweet potato casserole. I made green bean casserole, a pumpkin cheesecake, and an apple pie. Brad said my apple pie was very good and on further review, even better than his moms!

Here is Caleb holding Kylie!
On Wednesday we took the kiddos to Stonebriar Mall where Kennedy, Caleb, and Trevor rode the Carousel. Kennedy absolutely loves "riding the horsies!"

I also made the very hard decision to go back to work part time. The girls will be attending Mother's Day Out and I will be working at Starbucks. I cannot pass up the awesome insurance they offer for our family. I will only be working mornings and will pick up the girls right after nap time!

On Thursday we took it easy and didn't leave the house all day! Kennedy wanted to put Kylie in her doll stroller, so I assisted. It was precious. However, my mom is worried (and probably rightly so) that Kennedy will try to put her sister in the stroller on a regular basis.

On Thursday night Grandpa came over and ate dinner with us. He also brought some of Brad's old toys. Kennedy fell in love with a little tractor. Apparently this tractor was very popular with Brad as well!

On Friday I took the girls to the park by our house. It was so much fun! Kylie slept the whole time, so I had time to spend one on one with Kennedy. She is bound and determined to climb on the monkey bars. Each time she gets a little farther, but gets scared and wants down, but quickly wants back on them.

On Saturday we went to Katy and Scott's house. Katy's mom was in town and it was great to see her. We had yummy fettuccine with clam sauce. Katy has a tiny little miniature pincher named Libby. Kennedy absolutely loved playing with Libby. She carried her around all night. I was so impressed with Libby because she was so relaxed the whole time.

On Sunday Brad got up and made us breakfast. We all got ready and went to church. After church we all crashed and took a nap!

Here are the girls relaxing together. It looks like Kylie is laughing at Kennedy.


Jenni said...

I almost felt like I was there. I love all the pictures. You are too good at this! Love you!

Angela Meierhofer said...

We had such a good time at your house. We need to catch up...I was wondering if you had already started back to work or not. Love the tractor! That was really sweet.