Monday, January 19, 2009

When did it happen?

So I have recently had the realization that Kennedy is no longer a baby anymore. She has grown so much in such a short time. She talks so well! You can actually have conversations with her. Last night we were driving in the car and Brad and I were asking her animal sounds. She used to say them in such a cute, "creative" way and we used to smile, but correct her. Now she says them all correctly and I find myself wishing I hadn't corrected her and that she still said a duck says "Ca Ca!"

As parents we all encourage our children to grow so fast. We want them to smile quickly and roll over, then we are pushing them to crawl, walk, and talk. Now I just want her to slow down. She is growing too fast.

Don't get me wrong I'm so proud of how amazing she is. She is so smart! And she cracks me up. I remember so well when she was just 6lbs 4 oz and dependent on me for everything. Now I long for those moments when she wants me to hold her.