Friday, May 29, 2009

Family Pictures

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Week in Review

I don't have much time so I am just going to post some fun pictures from our week!

Here is a picture Brad took of Kylie this week while I was at work. I guess she was just so tired, but didn't want to let go of the bottle!
I put up the little splash pool for Kennedy and Kylie this week! Kennedy had a blast. Kylie was unsure of the cold water, but slowly "warmed" up to it!

This weekend we went shopping with Auntie Jenn. Jenn and I were trying on shoes and we looked over and Kennedy had taken off her shoes and was "trying" on shoes!On Sunday we had our family pictures done. I will post the pictures as soon as I get them!

Monday, May 18, 2009


What an excited weekend at the Lewises!

On Sunday Kylie was dedicated at church. It was a special time for our family. Kennedy did not like the attention of being on stage and decided to throw a "little" tantrum in front of everyone. Scott and Katy came to church with us and were kind enough to take pictures!
After the dedication we went to Trevor's third birthday party. Trevor and Kennedy have been best friend since they were first born. The love each other so much. Trevor is actually the one that gave Kennedy the nickname Kiki. So this was a special party for us!

At Trevor's party there was a petting zoo. Kennedy was in heaven. I felt so sorry for the poor little animals. I asked the lady if the animals went to couseling after being "handled" by so many kids.
Kennedy held every animal. She even tried to ride a goat! She loved the baby bunny, but as I know from having my own bunnies growing up, they scratch you. When the bunny scratched Kennedy she "put" it on the ground and spanked him.
She also held a chick so tight I thought his eyes were going to pop out!

Kennedy had fun riding a pony. The whole time she was saying "woo hoo!"

Kylie posed with the pony and looked like she was having the time of her life.

What an exciting weekend!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Amazing Weekend!

Wow! I had an absolutely amazing weekend! Let me just start out by saying I have a terrific husband!

On Saturday I spent all day shopping with Jenn! It was so great! It was some much needed girl time! We had so much fun! We went to Southlake and Watter's Creek. We tried on clothes, ate sushi, and gelato! It was so fun! Brad kept calling while we were gone so I knew he was up to something.

When we returned home I knew immediately what he had done. I walked into the smell of a clean house. My first thought was that he hired someone to clean it because it was so clean. But no, he did it all himself. He cleaned every room.

And then he gave my present. He got me a PINK 12 mega pixel camera! It is awesome. It has this awesome feature called the smile catcher. It doesn't take the picture until the person in the picture smiles, which is perfect for kiddos. Here are some pictures I took this weekend.
Here are Kennedy and Trevor blowing bubbles!
Here is Auntie Jenn and Kylie!Here is my happy girl!This is the newest Meierhofer, Lucas!
Here is Kennedy playing soccer!
I love this picture except that she looks so big!
Here is Kennedy playing with the giraffe that Brad used to play with when he was little!