Monday, June 15, 2009

Trip to the park and other adventures

Wow what a crazy week of weather we have had! On Wednesday we had Tornadoes warnings and crazy wind and rain! The girls and I actually got into the closet because there was a funnel spotted a few miles from us!

I was a little nervous about how the girls would do in the closet. However, Kennedy thought it was an adventure. She kept trying to turn on the flashlights and held her my little pony close and told her she would protect her from the funder.

On Friday I took the girls to the "big" park by our house. It is a little farther than our usual park, but it is much more entertaining! They had so much swinging. Kylie enjoyed trying to climb up the slide. Kennedy loves climbing on the bars. She has no fear at all! It was great because we were the only ones there.

I know some might feel I am a bad mom after you read this story, but I find it funny! The other day Kennedy was trying to take a nap and decided she wanted to sleep in mommy's bed. I was watching CSI and it happened to be a part where a lady got hit by a car. I know...I know..keep reading it gets worse. So Kennedy sees this and says, "Oh no, she fall down by a car! She go night night! She is so dead!" Please don't judge!


Patty Smith said...

Seriously, I think this is sooo funny. But who am I but the mother who used to get my 3-year-old out of bed late at night and put her on the couch sound asleep so I wouldn't have to watch scary movies by myself. Maybe the defective mom gene is hereditary...