Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Oh the things they say....

Having a two year old is so much fun. But it is quite a challenge. Kennedy is a litte sponge. Everything you say she is bound to repeat. And it only takes one time for her to hear it and it is in her vocabulary. It also makes you aware of things you say. Apparently I say, "that is so sweet," a lot, because Kennedy says it about everything.

For example the other day Kennedy had an accident in her panties. When I discovered it I looked at her and said, "Kennedy, did you go potty in your panties?" She looked at me with those beautiful blue eyes and said, "yes!" I waited a second to see what she would say and she looked at me and replied, "That is is sooooo sweet!" I had to turn around to keep from laughing.

Tonight I was watching TV and Kennedy came into the room and heard the lady say, "I'm so happy!" and there she was running around the house screaming, "I'm so happy!"

She has such a sweet spirit.

We have been at my parents house all of last week.

I put Kylie down for a nap in the pack and play, while I got ready. A few minutes later I heard Kennedy in the room with her sister and she was reading her a book.

These moments melt my heart.

Here are some fun words Kennedy says or pronounces:
Green-Gareen (you can tell she is from Texas)
Yellow-Yallo (almost sounds likes hello)
Yogurt-O Gurt (my daughter eats two things of yogurt a day)
Chocolate Milk-Cha Milk (She can say chocolate, but this is what she says)
Fire Truck-choo choo truck


Rebecca said...

"That is so sweet!!" :) Yes, they are little sponges. Fielder cracks me up with the little things he says that he's picked up! Your girls are so precious Kristen. Kennedy reading to Kylie is priceless.