Monday, November 24, 2008

Seven Random Facts

1. I can't stand the sound of scratching. It makes me cringe. Whether it is someone filing their nails or scratching their arms it drives me crazy. When I was in Junior High, my best friend Katy would "file" her nails on the tennis court and I would go crazy. No wonder I was never any good at tennis, I was too distracted! :) Just kidding!

2. I have never flown in an airplane. I am not scared, just never had the opportunity. Hopefully next year it will change!

3. If you rearrange all the letters in my name it spells Stinker! I had that nickname for quite some time in school.

4. I was very accident prone in Junior High, either that or just the victim of many assaults.

  • I broke my nose when my doubles partner (sorry Katy) hit me, accidently, in the nose with her tennis racquet (we are still friends)!
  • In Art Class if you cut yourself you got detention. I cut my finger in Art Class with a knife and calmly asked my teacher if I could go to the restroom without telling her what happened. After ten minutes of trying to get the bleeding to stop, I realized it was not going to. I then returned to class and told my teacher what happened. She put her hands on her hip and said where? I showed her my finger and asked if I had to get a detention. She turned white and sent me to the nurse. I got six stitches and no detention.
  • I got hit again with a tennis racquet (I know, I know...) and my principal called me waffle head for a week because I had "waffle" marks on my forehead.
  • And the best for last...I cut my finger open on a locker at school and was raced from the gym to the nurses office by my friends. Bria walked on one side, Stephanie held my injured finger (she is a nurse now, go figure!), and Katy stared at the blood. I returned to school from the doctor to find out that Katy had gone home because she passed out from the sight of blood.

5. I do not like tomatoes, I will eat Ketchup and Tomato soup but not tomatoes.

6. My favorite color is pink! I guess it is good that I have two daughters.

7. My sister and I used to spice up doing our chores by "making" commercials while we cleaned. For example, while washing we show it's ability to fight grease and how great it was on your hands.


Jenni said...

Haha! I still think we might have a career in advertising.