Sunday, December 14, 2008

Kylie is 3 Months Old

What a joy! I know I say it every month, but it is true. Kylie is an amazing baby. She is so happy and beautiful. She has the prettiest blue eyes. She is normally so content. She loves it when you talk to her. She squeals with delight! We call her "Smiley Kylie." She loves her big sister and is fascinated watching Kennedy play. She has definitely inherited the "Lewis-Crawley" eyelashes.
She is still so little! But it is nice because I don't feel like she is growing too fast since she is so petite.
Happy 3 month Birthday Baby Love!


Angela Meierhofer said...

She is seriously adorable and we just love her (and her big sis too)!

Patty Smith said...

I cannot believe how big she is getting! So cute