Monday, October 27, 2008

Choose to be a Blessing

A few weeks ago at my mom's group the speaker spoke about Blessings. This message really spoke to me. She talked about speaking blessing over your children. And praying for what you what them to be, not what they are.

Each night we say our prayers with Kennedy. And now after that I pray blessings over her. I pray that she will be blessing to others. I remember my mom doing this with my sister and I. In fact I have a card that she made me for Valentine's one year and it is full of blessings. She religiously prayed for my husband, even when I was so little that it seemed like miles off. But I am so thankful she did.

There is a song called the Blessing by John Waller. It is an amazing song. On his website he talks about the story behind the song.

"The lyric is a compelling challenge to other believers to speak positively into the lives of those around them. It encourages us all to choose to be a blessing to those in our lives. "

So many people are a blessing to me. I have the greatest family and friends. My friends and family are so willing to do anything for me. Whether it's just hanging out or going with me to get the girls pictures taken. I cannot tell you how amazingly blessed I feel to have these people in my life.

Thank you to everyone who is such a blessing to me!

Let it be said of us
While we walked among the living
Let it be said of us
By the ones we leave behind
Let it be said of us
That we lived to be a blessing for life

Let it be said of us
That we gave to reach the dying
Let it be said of us
By the fruit we leave behind
Let it be said of us
That our legacy is blessing for life

This day You set life,
you set death right before us,
This day Every blessing and curse is a choice now
And we will choose to be a blessing for life

Let it be said of us
That our hearts belonged to Jesus
Let it be said of us
That we spoke the words of life
Let it be said of us
That our heritage is blessing for life

For your Kingdom, for our Children
For the sake of every nation


Rebecca said...

Great post Kristen! Thanks for sharing.