Sunday, October 5, 2008

First Blog

Okay so I am going to give it a try. So many friends and family members have blogs. I have always wanted one, but never had the time. Now that I am staying home with my girls, maybe I will have some free time, ha ha!

We have a new addition to our family. Kylie Layne was born on September 9th, 2008 at 1:48pm. She weighed 5lbs 15oz and was 17 1/2 inches long.

Kylie is such a great baby. She rarely cries, she is more of a grunter. She already sleeps great. Normally she will sleep anywhere from 4-6 hours at one time at night. I love the fact that both of my girls enjoy sleeping as much as I do.

It is absolutely crazy how much Kylie looks like Kennedy.

This is Kennedy when we brought her home from the hospital.

Kennedy Brooke weighed 6lbs 4 oz

She was 19 1/2 inches.

Here is Kylie on her way home from the hospital.

Kylie quickly earned the name little peanut.

It will be so interesting to watch Kylie grow and see if she continues to look like Kennedy.

Kennedy has my coloring with blonde hair and light skin. Kylie has Brad's coloring with darker hair, yes that's right she has hair, and a built in tan.

I am so impressed with Kennedy. She is such a good big sister. The only thing she is guilty of is not knowing when to stop helping. Her favorite activity is to give Kylie her pacifier. She doesn't understand that Kylie doesn't always want her paci. Especially when Kylie is sleeping.

As soon as she wakes up Kennedy asks, "where Kylie go?" I think she thinks she has a new baby doll to play with.

She says, "bless you Kylie," when she sneezes and constantly tells me how silly Kylie is.

Kennedy constantly begs us to hold her sister. I thought that if I let her hold her whenever that the new would wear off. Boy was I wrong.

When we found out that we were pregnant. I was excited but felt guilty. Everyone said it would be okay and that Kennedy would love it. I couldn't see it then, but now I know that Kylie is the perfect addition to our family and it just makes sense.


Rebecca said...

i love this pic! so sweet. i guess my boys will be fighting angela's boys for your pretty girls. :)